Thursday, March 6

Trying To Be A Photographer

Can you tell I have a sweet tooth?

Thursday, October 4

Lots of Random Pictures

Monday, May 28

A Mini Yard For The Dog

We made a small yard for the dog to play, it was very easy and quite inexpensive

These are the materials; wood planks, a waterproof tarp, lots of sand and rolls of grass
Start by making a boarder for the lawn with the wood planks

Fit the tarp inside and nail it to the top of the planks

Fill it with sand, about an inch from the top

Cover the sand with the sod, cutting the excess to finsh it off
It should look something like this

The dog really likes it


This is our new puppy, Mischa!

Gettin' comfy

She actually ate Nicolles homework. I didn't know they really did that

She loves my shoes for some reason

After a visit from the sandman

Friday, December 29

The Best Birthday Cake Ever

It is almost worth the $43!!

Her with her cake (look how happy she is!!)

Stealing M&M's

Top View

Wednesday, December 20

Fun with Face Hair

The Best Face Hair You Can Grow

The Bush Man

Eh... It'sa me Mario!

My Everyday Shadow

Baby Faced (Not very often)

One More Stache Pic Because It's So Ridiculous

Monday, August 14


If you can look at these pics without laughing or at least smiling theres something wrong with you!

Thursday, August 10


We went to Algonquin Park... It was beautiful!

This is one of my favorite pictures that I have ever taken!

I grew a ridiculous mustache for the trip... for no particular reason (Well cuz it was funny)

Canoeing is really the only source of fun in the bush, and it was really fun!

Fishing was pretty good this year.

B caught the biggest fish Sunday morning. I'm guessing it was pushin 4lbs!!

Our Rock Beach